​​​​​​​Welcome to the CWA website.
​​​​​​​We are an enthusiastic group dedicated to the stoke of windsurfing, winging, kiting, AND foiling, in Canterbury, Aotearoa​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ New Zealand

Join for the 2024-25 season here


Windsports can be extreme activities with an element of risk. This is particularly so with kiting, as kite lines can cause serious injury or even death. To ensure that everyone gets home uninjured, please be a good sport and observe this code. If the worst happens and you have to call the emergency services (111), stay around, identify yourself, and tell them what you know.

1. STAY IN CONTROL. Recognise your ability and take a lesson to learn 'the rules' to avoid collisions and know how to stop!

2. OBSERVE SITE SPECIFIC HAZARDS. Talk to locals, read signage, and keep clear of people and hard objects such as buildings, fences, posts, roads, rocks, trees, vehicles, etc etc etc...

3. PEOPLE DOWNWIND HAVE RIGHT OF WAY. You can see them, but can they see you?

4. LOOK BEFORE YOU LAUNCH. Watch for incoming riders and be prepared to provide assistance.

5. DON'T BE AN OBSTRUCTION.  When riders are approaching each other, the rider with the wind coming over their RIGHT shoulder when facing forward (STARBOARD) has the RIGHT of way, Kiters: the upwind kite stays high, downwind kite stays low, and when not riding keep your kite low and at the edge of the window.

6. DON'T LOOSE WHAT YOU USE. Secure equipment when not riding. Kiters: leashes to twintip boards are not recommended as they can spring back and hit you. Wingers: leashes to both board and wing are recommended or they can get away on you.

7. RESPECT GETS RESPECT. From the beaches to the mountains, be courteous and show respect to others and the environment.

8. IDENTIFICATION. Mark your board(s) with the current owner’s name and contact details - as per the Canterbury Regional Council Navigation SafetyBylaw 2016 and Controls, Part 5 Operating Requirements, clause 20 Vessels to be identified, subclause 4.